Private Lessons Available
For any age and any level from beginner to advanced
Rudiments & Performance Classes
Enhance your musical knowledge and learn to perform with confidence
Register Today
Private lessons and class spaces are available
MONDAY, MAY 6, 2024.
Excellence in Music Education
Guelph School of Music is dedicated to providing excellence in music education and accommodating individual student needs. Our professional teaching faculty is qualified and experienced and our lessons are open to students of all ages and levels.
GSM is now part of the Guelph Youth Music Centre family!
Lessons & Classes
Guelph Youth Music Centre adopts the Guelph School of Music
The Guelph Youth Music Centre (GYMC) will be adopting the Guelph School of Music (GSM) into its family of programs…
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Inclement Weather
Inclement Weather Policy When the Guelph Youth Music Centre is closed due to inclement weather, Guelph School of Music is…
Guelph School of Music at GYMC
The Guelph Youth Music Centre rents studio space to many schools and organizations including our school, as well as the…